Saturday 24 March 2007

Finally Birthday

Thanks, darl! Looks more like 40 but...only 31...but it felt like 40 since 1) serious backache, 2) toothache, and 3) cold...Can only get better and... I made it!
Cheers to the new year!

Birthday Weekend in Kusatsu

Weekend in Kusatsu!

And...the magic number is 31! Had a great pre-birthday weekend
Eric, Josefina, and Mie in Kusatsu enjoying hot springs and a good time with nice friends!

The place apparently has some of the hottest springs in Japan and there is a famous tradition of women mixing and cooling down the hot water with huge paddels....

I guess those springs are also some of the smelliest ones...


Wednesday 21 March 2007

Suhsi Lesson

So this explains the essentials of Sushi - I knew there was a trick :-)

Sunday 18 February 2007

New Office Game?

I have also been wondering what is going in some of the departments here if you try to call someone...
Check this out:

Kewpie - me?

Why is mayonnaise so popular in Japan. The reason? It's ... tasty and they copied me on the bottle? Or how do you explain the similarity?

Kewpie Movie - pretty SCAAAAARY and looks more like Russian!
Kewpie Homepage

Kaisha - Office

Just that you know: This is my office - Izumi Garden Tower - one of the fancy skyscrapers of Tokyo and the entire outside made out of glass - pretty cool but we are still wondering what is going to happen in the case of an earthquake...
Welcome to my blog!

I guess every start is somehow the most difficult and strange part but here we are! It is done and from today onward I will share my life with you!

So who am I?

My name is Ralf (Ralko, Ralkovich or Kewpie - I will explain later why), a 30 year old German enjoying living in Tokyo. A great time in one of the most amazing places to be! If you haven't been here yet, you missed something! Become a worldperk!

Enjoy and peace!