Sunday 18 February 2007

New Office Game?

I have also been wondering what is going in some of the departments here if you try to call someone...
Check this out:

Kewpie - me?

Why is mayonnaise so popular in Japan. The reason? It's ... tasty and they copied me on the bottle? Or how do you explain the similarity?

Kewpie Movie - pretty SCAAAAARY and looks more like Russian!
Kewpie Homepage

Kaisha - Office

Just that you know: This is my office - Izumi Garden Tower - one of the fancy skyscrapers of Tokyo and the entire outside made out of glass - pretty cool but we are still wondering what is going to happen in the case of an earthquake...
Welcome to my blog!

I guess every start is somehow the most difficult and strange part but here we are! It is done and from today onward I will share my life with you!

So who am I?

My name is Ralf (Ralko, Ralkovich or Kewpie - I will explain later why), a 30 year old German enjoying living in Tokyo. A great time in one of the most amazing places to be! If you haven't been here yet, you missed something! Become a worldperk!

Enjoy and peace!